

Full- and Part-time Volunteer Organizers Urgently Needed!

No prior experience is necessary – but daring to care and a willingness to learn and work are mandatory.

Volunteer Activities

As a volunteer with CCLP, you can play an instrumental role in organizing the forces and resources for legal battles affecting thousands of low-income workers, homeowners, tenants, small business owners, and the growing portion of our population who lack access to the courts. Participation in CCLP is open to all who desire to work toward these ends.

Learn basic organizing skills to make a difference, such as:

Know Your Law Session

Organizing “Know Your Law” sessions where attorneys make presentations on topics of concern to those seeking assistance.

CCLP volunteer attorney presenting for a Know Your Law Session

Legal Advice Session

Organizing Legal Advice Sessions where legal advocates conduct recipient-intake interviews and follow up on the plan of action laid out by the volunteer attorney.

Photo of CCLP volunteer advocates taking note of advice from attorney for a benefit recipient

Public Speaking

Public speaking through in-person and online platforms.

Photo of CCLP volunteers doing presentation to college students

Publication & Design

Writing and designing publications and flyers to publicize CCLP’s efforts.

Photo of CCLP volunteer working on CCLP publications


CCLP volunteer on a phoning session


CCLP volunteers on outreach in community
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